Does Inherent Existence mean everything is a mind game?

We are not saying nothing exists. What you see does exist but not an inherent existence. The existence of phenomena is a dependent existence as opposed to inherent existence. For example, if you look at a car that is coming at you, you are able to see it and hear the noise. So it is in your experience. But if someone is deaf and blind who is seating next to you, does that have that car in their experience as they cannot see or hear the noise the car is making. So the existence of the car is a dependent existence since one of you can experience it and another cannot. The idea about all this is to reduce our attachment to things. Once we know things do not exist inherently, hopefully, we will reduce our attachment to things. For example, if you lose some money, if we don’t have attachment towards our money, hopefully, it will not bother us and we will be able to carry on without much suffering.