Inherent Existence Continued

We have been discussing inherent existence for the past two weeks. Let’s continue on that topic one more session to make sure we have a good understanding of this topic before we move on to the next subject. Inherent existence means existence as the object’s basis of imputation. Inherent existence refers to the false idea that any entity can exist independently. Every characteristic defining an entity arises dependently from things that are not the thing being identified. You cannot have an object that is independent of its parts, causes, and conditions or mind that perceives it.

Things do exist just not in the way they appear to be existing. Things lack inherent existence means that things are existing by themselves. They are existing dependent on other factors. Let’s look at an example of a tree. All of us love to go watch fall foliage. A tree changes during the different seasons. Why does it change? It changes due to being set up dependent on other factors such as weather. That means that objects are constantly changing. If a tree were inherently existent it would never change. It would stay the same color with fruits and flowers all the time. It would stay the same not affected by weather all any other phenomena. But we know that is not the case.

Let’s look at a couple of more examples. A friend of mine used to have anxiety issues. He would be in the car in a rush hour and would get upset about the traffic. We had an interesting discussion maybe 10 years ago. I asked him if he would consider just ignoring the traffic around him and focus on music or something during his drive. He said, well, that’s not me. That is not personality. I said maybe you should consider changing. He took a big offense he said that is my identity how can I change who I am. I let the subject go. Fast forward 10 years and he has calmed down considerably. Things don’t bother him as much in traffic. He adopted. What he thought was his identity changed. 10 years ago, he thought that was inherent existence. Today it is clear that it was not since he has changed.

Let’s look at another example. Have you ever been absorbed in a movie? I know I certainly have. If it is a well made gripping movies and you are fully captivated by the plot; you can feel everything being real. You even get a physical reaction if there is an unexpected gunshot or something as if it just happened in front of our eyes. Even though we know we are watching a movie, at that moment we think it is inherently existent. We feel everything that is happening is real. We know it is just fiction.

We will do a longer Q&A session today than usual so we can clear up any questions on the subject. This is a profound subject, and I would like all of you to contemplate the subject and try to come up with your own examples to make sense for you in your experience. Once this clicks, the rest of the wisdom teachings become a lot easier to grasp.